GlaxoSmith declares 40 kobo dividend to shareholders
Adebayo Obajemu
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria Plc has announced a final dividend of N0.40 kobo per 50 kobo ordinary share to its shareholders for the year ended 31st December 2020. This is subject to appropriate withholding tax and approval at the Annual General Meeting. Dividend will be paid to Shareholders whose names appear in the Register of Members at the close of business on the 23rd April, 2021.
The Register of Shareholders will be closed from Monday, 26th April 2021 to Friday, 30th April 2021.
On 28th May 2021, dividends will be paid electronically to Shareholders whose names appear in the Register of Members as at 23rd April 2021, and who have completed the e-dividend registration and mandated the Registrar to pay their dividends directly into their Bank accounts.