MOSOP disapproves NPDC, Sahara Energy as replacements for Shell in Ogoni

Adebayo Obajemu
The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) has flatly disapproved of the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company and Sahara Energy as replacements for the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited in Ogoni.
Fegalo Nsuke, President of MOSOP, said that NPDC and Sahara Energy were an organised conspiracy against the Ogoni people, alleging that the two companies were behind internal conflicts in Ogoni to force their way to resume oil production in the area against the will of the people.
He pointed out the need to solve the Ogonj question but quickly added that the two companies could not be part of the resolution of the conflict as they have been rejected by the Ogoni people.
He, however, noted that MOSOP was willing to cooperate with peaceful methods of dialogue to resolve all issues and urged the government to accept MOSOP’s position recommending the operation of an “Ogoni Development Authority”.
“Now is the best time to resolve the Ogoni problem through the operations of the Ogoni Development Authority. It is also important to note that as a people, the NPDC and Sahara who sponsor conflicts in Ogoni are not acceptable options in this process and are both rejected by MOSOP as replacements for Shell in Ogoni.”
“I think it will be strange and unthinkable for the Nigerian government to reject our offer to resolve a problem that has lasted over 3 decades, has cost the government over $178Billion in oil revenue and has great potentials to boost the reputation of the government.”
Nsuke urged the Ogoni people to have faith in the efforts being made by MOSOP to resolve these very costly conflicts and assured that MOSOP was strongly committed to a peaceful resolution without the loss of lives.
He also lauded the peaceful nature of the Ogoni struggle for justice.